Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Still Life Evening

Seven members of YWS spent a great evening setting up and drawing.
Thank you Betty for sharing your room.

Pat J.
We plan to do another session in January and February, watch the newsletter and the blog for more information!

Monday, 26 November 2007

Painting Saturday - Dec 1

Hi all
This Saturday is our next Painting Saturday. I will be there at 10 am until close to 4 pm. I hope to see you there!


Still Life Evening - Tuesday November 27

We are at Sir John High School Art room. Go in the NACC doors, that will be opened for 7pm. Go up the stairs and turn left and the door is right there. I will put a sign out for people to find us.
Betty has a lot of things there, but remember if you have something special bring it along.
I haven't been able to find a digital projector, so we will offer that service on Saturday during the Painting Saturday time.
I can bring the cdr discs if you don't have any, but I would perfer that people bring their own.
Also bring your drawing stuff and painting stuff. Then you can practice drawing and painting what is actually in front of you.
This is all about learning, not perfection!

Monday, 19 November 2007

November Meeting Show and Tell!

Thank you to all the members who brought in their paintings from Rolf's class and from their experimenting at home! It is so inspirational!

Sample from the beginner session which resulted in learning how to blend and be generous with paint and water.

Pat J went home and found a way to create a piece that looks more like Rolf's. Great experimenting!

Rolf's Landscape class results below

Shawna's experimenting with colour charts again!

Sunday, 18 November 2007

Drawing with Bev Anderson

Natalie doing the first exercise. Amazing there was no stress and the exercise was totally fun!

7 members take advantage of a Saturday morning to begin to develop drawing skills.

Bev checking out Loreen's drawing.

Sunday, 11 November 2007

Drawing Class November 17

Call Shawna to register for a 4 hour class with Bev Anderson. This class is for beginners. Come to the class where we will start learning a new skill that will help our art work.

Suggested books that I like

If you have a book that you would like to recommend to other members, please e-mail me and I will put it up on the blog.

Jan Kunz - Painting Watercolor Portraits that Glow

Charles Dunn - Conversations in Paint

Jeanne Dobie - Making Color Sing

Betty Edwards - Color

I like this book but she uses acrylic paint which doesn't completely translate to watercolour paint.

Penny Soto - Painting Glowing Colors in Watercolor

Betty Edwards - Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

Monday, 5 November 2007

Rolf's Class Participants!

Class photo





Pat A.








Pat J



Rolf's Class

We had a fun weekend learning about how paint mixed will separate, how to paint on very different surfaces and deeping our understanding of the medium of watercolour painting.

Learning the basics of the colour wheel.

Step by Step landscape painting:

The finished landscape!