Friday, 21 December 2007

Mark your 2008 Calender!

January is another busy month:
January 12 - Painting Saturday (a week later than usual)
January 16 - Still Life Drawing 7 pm at Sir John High School Art Room
January 21 - Monthly meeting at SIR JOHN HIGH SCHOOL ART ROOM
January 26 - 4 hour class with Janice Daly (Registration at monthly meeting)

December 17th meeting

We had a great meeting. The Show and Tell is really great. We had drawings from our first "Still Life drawing" evening. We also watched a video and painted how light stricks an object. We learned about direct light, indirect light and reflective light.
See the show and tell images below. Thanks to all who brought in their work. As always it is so inspirational!
Marcella's Still Life drawing results

Shawna's intensity chart and her garlic on black and white
Shawna's Pears
Direct Light, Indirect Light and reflective light lesson

Shawna is doing more colour and value charts
Pat J's drawing from our still life evening
Pat J
Lynn's painting

Sunday, 2 December 2007

Painting Saturday

Five members of the YWS came to Painting Saturday during this busy season. We had a great day of building our skills. I am pretty pleased with my painting and will bring it next meeting on December 17th. See you all then!

Lynn studying image!

Pat J working on houses.

Marcella exploring northern animals.

I can't wait to see the final results of this Painting Saturday! Remember to bring the paintings for the meeting.