Sunday 27 May 2007

Painting Saturday

June 2nd is our last Painting Saturday for this season. This Saturday we will meet Lynn Trudeau at City Hall and do our first On Location painting. I hope that the weather is co-operative. If it is not, then Lynn will have room 215 at NUP open.

Remember to bring a baseball cap to provide shade for your eyes, something to sit on (those folding chairs also have a place to put a cup of water in the arms), bug dope, and a smaller version of your painting items. Remember that you will most likely hold the pallet in your hand. Mechanical pencil for sketching the scene before you paint it. And anything else you might think you need...brushes, water supply and so on. Bring water from home in a jug.

Remember this is our first adventure. None of us have ever done this before so learning is the order of the day. I am sure we will refine our supplies as we get some practice.

The day starts at 10 am and goes until 3 pm. Come and drop in for an hour, or stay the whole day.

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