Tuesday 8 January 2013

January Painting Saturday

It has been a while since I posted for YWS!  Traveling and seasonal adventures have made blogging impossible.  So here is a few photos to catch you up with our little group.

Lynn playing with masking fluid and paint. And look what he did! 

Kevin working on a landscape.

Doris is new to our group and is diving right in!  She worked on a bird.
Marcella working on a red pepper from the December meeting

Joyce and Marcella looking at both their red peppers.

 Looks great!

We laughed and chatted and had a brilliant time!  

Saturday January 19 we will be meeting to participate on the World Sketchcrawl!  Want to join us?  Saturday 10:30 am (for 2 hours max) Javaroma to start off with.  More info next week.

Our next meeting is on January 21st.  Our newsletter goes out next week!


Magnetic Island Artist Edward Blum. said...

Wow, you all are amazing.!! great blog.

Yellowknife Watercolour Society said...

Thank you for stopping by!